Insight Counselling
Woburn Sands and Milton Keynes

Availability and Frequently Asked Questions

My hours of work are Monday to Thursday 9.30 am to 6.00 pm. Please note my last appointment is 5.30 pm in the evening. I don't work on a Friday or over the weekends

What do the sessions cost?
My hourly fee for individual sessions is £65.00
My hourly fee for a couples session is £120.00

I may be able to offer a discount for anyone who is unable to afford the cost of sessions, or students in training - subject to availability and capacity. Do feel free to ask me, if my fees are beyond your reach.

How do I pay?
I can take payment by cash, internet banking, or debit/credit card and I ask that you pay on the same day you attend a session.

How long do the sessions last?
The sessions last for 50 - 55 minutes.

Can you provide CBT as an Integrative Psychotherapist?
My training has included CBT elements and so I can and do integrate aspects of CBT into the way I work. Although I do not work using CBT models and techniques in isolation.

What therapeutic models do you draw on when working with clients?
I draw on a range of therapeutic models when working with clients as follows: Transactional Analysis, Psychodynamic approaches, Attachment therapy, Neuroscience, Somatic Experiencing, Trauma based research, and Mindfulness.

What initiates change?
I think change happens when we experience a trusting, safe, and empathic therapeutic relationship, where our behaviours, desires, perceptions, and intentions are recognised, validated, and understood, even if they are counterproductive. We will work collaboratively on agreed goals so that you can make sense of your thoughts, behaviours and feelings, and the repetitive patterns which underpin your distress. We will explore how useful relational patterns are familiar to you and how they are often embedded in past coping mechanisms, which may not be so helpful in the here and now.

How often should I have sessions?
Weekly sessions are the most effective, and this provides the opportunity to get to know each other. The quality of the therapeutic relationship will be instrumental in ensuring that you get the most out of the therapeutic work. Some clients may require sessions more than once a week and I am happy to work in a way that promotes safety and stability.

How many sessions will I need?
This depends on the nature of the issues you are trying to resolve, and have come into therapy for. Some client's prefer to work on issues in the short term, for example having say a short period of sessions e.g. 6 to 8 weeks. Whereas others might want and need open ended, longer term work. Initially it might be useful to have a session and see how you feel about returning. This will give you an opportunity to assess whether my approach is helpful and how comfortable you feel about working with me. Progress of the sessions will be reviewed regularly.

Do I have to commit to a certain number of sessions?
The short answer is no you don't. If you are concerned about the number of sessions you may need, you can discuss this with me or send me an e-mail to inquire about this.

I don't know if I will feel comfortable speaking to a counsellor or psychotherapist about my issues?
For therapy to be really effective it is important that you feel comfortable talking about your problems. The first session together will be an information gathering session about what is troubling you, as well as gaining some background information too. The sessions will go at your pace to promote trust.

What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy
Sometimes there is little difference, as many counsellors have a wealth of experience, knowledge and skills. Although with counselling based qualifications the initial training period is shorter. A psychotherapist will undergo a longer period of intensive training, at greater depth, and breadth, a minimum of 5 to 7 years training. Psychotherapeutic approaches generally focus on past developmental traumatic experiences which have created considerable distress and self-sabotaging patterns in a person's life, which impacts on self-esteem and self-worth. These habitual patterns require much longer term work.

Why are the hourly rates for counsellors and psychotherapists so high?
There are several reasons. Therapists have additional expenses and costs with regard to ongoing professional development, and other overheads related to running a business e.g. room hire, membership fees, website costs, insurance, and training. Furthermore, due to the nature of the work a therapist can only see about 15 to 20 clients a week. In addition, the work doesn't just take place within the session, there is a period of reflection, along with a need to take notes afterwards to evaluate what has been attended to or missed which might need to be picked up on in the next session.

How do I contact Lorraine Davis at Insight Counselling?
You can call me on 0771 3485407 or you can contact me by e-mail by going to "click here to e-mail"". Please do contact me to ask any questions about what I provide, how I work, and what is involved without any obligation to set sessions up.

Where are you based?
I see clients at consulting rooms in Aspley Guise, Milton Keynes. Currently I am able to offer face to face sessions, online work via Zoom, Skype or FaceTime. Telephone sessions are also possible too.

Psychotherapy - Counselling - Supervision - Woburn Sands - Milton Keynes - Bedford


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